Monday, February 14, 2022

If i won the lottery essay

If i won the lottery essay

So let's start with the essay. When these thoughts came to my mind I understood if i won the lottery essay the lottery is a game of gambling, not luck. A limited time offer! This essay can also be used on the topics given below. On the other hand, when I get old, I would go back to my country and I would purchase my dream house. I want to help them as possible.

If I Won the Lottery Essay Example

Hello friends, If I won a lottery in this imaginary essay I have told what I will do if I win lottery money. So let's start with the essay. One of my friends had purchased a very costly mobile phone he showed me that phone I liked that phone very much. I also want to buy the same mobile phone but it was so costly that I couldn't afford it. The next day I came to the bus stand for going to school and was waiting for a bus at that time I saw a lottery shop nearby where many people were buying those lottery tickets. On the shop, if i won the lottery essay, there was a big advertisement board for one core lottery. When I saw that advertisement board a thought came to my mind that what if I won a lottery!. With that one core rupees, I can do whatever I want, I can complete all of my wishes and I can buy a more costly phone than my friend.

I if i won the lottery essay very excited about the lottery ticket even though I hadn't purchased the lottery ticket. I was just thinking of winning of lottery by watching the advertisement. Then I thought If I won a lottery then I can full fill of my wishes but, the lottery is one type of gambling isn't it? and is it ok to be dependent on the lottery money?. We think that lottery is a game of luck, but actually, the lottery is a type of gambling because for wining one lottery so many people spend their money and only one of them wins the lottery money others lose their money. And if one gets the lottery then the person gets addicted to it and spends his money again and again to win the lottery which he doesn't win, if i won the lottery essay.

When these thoughts came to my mind I understood that the lottery is a game of gambling, not luck. I decided instead of thinking about what I will do If i won the lottery essay win a lottery! I will study and work hard to complete all of my dreams. And then I firmly decided I don't need this lottery and dropped the thought of if i won the lottery essay if I won a lottery. Friends, what will you do if you got a lottery and what do you think about the lottery tickets? do tell us by commenting below. This essay on if I won a lottery can be used by students of class 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, if i won the lottery essay, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purpose. This essay can also be used on the topics given below.

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In the end, having the idea that they have all the luxury would leave them no choice but to waste it to senseless things. Hence, unlike these people, I would like to avoid being consumed by the material things that I could buy with the fortune I won. Instead, I would like to use my money wisely in order to have a secured future. By seeking assistance from financial experts, I would be able to make the right investments which would enable me and my family to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. For instance, I could invest on a business venture, such as a Korean restaurant.

In this way, not only would I save a large amount of my winnings, but I would also be able to make my money from my winnings grow. Helping family members is an action that any lottery winner would take, so like any lottery winners, I would leave a certain amount that would benefit them for a long time. Being able to help would surely elate my feelings and make me richer spiritually. Winning the lottery is not just about money and luxury. There are greater problems that one would face after hitting the jackpot. Knowing when and where to use the money would be an important task for a lottery winner. Nevertheless, with proper management and planning, the money that a person gained could be used for profitable and charitable means.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. If I Won the Lottery. Accessed January 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Technology Gaming Gambling. I am feeling bad and sad for those unfortunate people. I want to help them as possible. As a human, our lifetime is very limited. So we have limit time to make our lives more comfortable and more cheerful.

Sharing our warmhearted is a worth thing to do that. That is why I want to give partial of my money to help others. The last thing that I am going to spent my money is for myself. To travel around the world is always my biggest dream. I want to visit all the beautiful scenery in the world. I want to experience different cultures and taste different feeling of the sky. And I also want to try each delicious food from each country of each state. I love the feeling of adventure. I think this will be very interesting. If I win the five million lottery, I think I am going to have a lot of things to do.

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