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Female infanticide essay

Female infanticide essay

Your time is important. Unfortunately, however, the practice continues in China despite these efforts. It was… References Burleigh, M. Sen's observations and the realities of second-class or worse status for girls and women in China raise several kinds of serious human rights issues. rites oolf, "what I find deplorable, I continued, female infanticide essay about the bookshelves again, is that nothing is known about…, female infanticide essay.

Female infanticide Essay Example

Imagine a world with no women. There are no wives, no sisters, no daughters, and no mothers. Unfortunately, this world is on the brink of becoming a scary reality for Asian countries such as China and India. Due to attempts to control population and the low value associated with females in these societies historically and culturally, both China and India are now facing a serious gender imbalance. Female infanticide and sex-selective abortion are responsible for this gender imbalance. Due to the high occurrence of foeticides, infanticides, female infanticide essay, including new born neglect and abandonment, the world is currently deprived of over million women. China and India alone are responsible for 80 million missing females.

CHINA: In China introduced the one-child policy. The Chinese population was growing too fast and already was enormous. The government female infanticide essay this policy to slow down the growth of the population of China, female infanticide essay. This encouraged female infanticide even more. Before the introduction of the one-child policy female infanticide already existed. According to a report, an interview with 40 women over age 50, who claimed to have given birth to sons and daughters, of whom sons but only 53 daughters survived to age By their account, the women had destroyed 78 of their daughters. To Chinese families the son is the most important child. They believe that the son can work, female infanticide essay, carry the family name and look after elderly parents.

Only after the desire of having a son or two has been met, do Chinese families prefer having a girl. INDIA: In the global arena, India is indeed fast developing and is gradually becoming a force to reckon with and this makes us extremely proud, female infanticide essay. Female infanticide is one of them. India as a country is steeped in patriarchal values and thereby continues to talk about the importance of raising a male child. The idea of the male child enwraps an image of future security, protection, wealth and prosperity. Only can a male child grow up to look after his family. Only can a male child protect female infanticide essay family. Women are simply viewed as commodities and properties belonging to men.

Women are perceived to female infanticide essay a burden on the family. In the institution of marriage lies the salvation of the woman. In looking after her husband and bearing children lies her attainment of Nirvana. A large population of India continues to struggle on a daily basis for its survival. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Identity Female Female infanticide, female infanticide essay. Female infanticide 7 July Hire verified writer. Female infanticide Essay Example. Related Essays. Female infanticide Female infanticide Short Story on Female Infanticide Asian Woman Essay Female infanticide essay Paper Female infanticide Infanticide: To Kill or Preserve Life For the… Female sex offenders Female Foeticide Female Foeticide Female of the Species Female Protagonists The Female Quixote.

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Related Topics Society Essays Cultural Relativism Essays Social Media Essays Dialogue Essays Media Violence Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Check it out! Having trouble finding the perfect essay? Hire a writer. Got it. Overlayings are now so unusual that many individuals have never even heard of the phenomenon. Infanticides are far less common now than in the past. In Victorian England, infanticides were the most common form of killing and the crime was routinely committed in other European nations, in the United States, and around the world. This rate may be misleading, however, given the difficulty in ascertaining the cause of death in some cases.

The risk of a child being the victim of a homicide drops dramatically for school-age children and remains low until the teen years. Infanticides are committed by both men and women and the crime typically involves a victim who is in the real or temporary care of the killer. Infanticide women seem to eschew weapons and tend to suffocate or drown their victims, while men tend to strangle or use weapons against their victims e. Though routinely used in the killings of older children, especially teenagers, firearms are rarely involved in infanticides. Those who kill infants are often young, typically in their teens or early twenties. Infanticide is one of the few violent offenses that is not dominated by male offenders; when women kill, they tend to kill intimates and children. Infants are more likely than older children and adults to be beaten to death and to be killed in their own homes, which is sometimes attributed to their inability to escape from abusive situations by running away or seeking help from outsiders.

Deaths due to head injuries are quite common among infants, occurring at a far higher rate than among older children or adults. The proportion of deaths due to neglect, of course, declines rapidly with age of the victim—while the majority of neonaticides are due to exposure or neglect, very few deaths of older children can be attributed to neglect. Victims of infanticides are more likely than older homicide victims to be White. Unlike the killing of older children and adults, infanticides tend to be the unintended consequences of abuse or neglect or of unrestrained discipline that goes too far. Some research has linked infanticide to overly aggressive attempts by parents to quiet crying children or to correct children who have soiled themselves.

Several scholars have posited typologies of those who commit infanticide. Despite minor variations between the models, most acknowledge that infanticides result from a mistreatment of unwanted children; b overzealous discipline or abuse directed against otherwise wanted children; c emotional responses by adults such as retaliation, revenge, or jealousy; or d mental illness, including postpartum psychopathology. Some infanticides are termed altruistic because the killer, often suffering from mental illness, believes he or she is helping the victim avoid some greater imagined terror, such as being seized by the devil or suffering from some nonexistent malady or disease; a sizable proportion of altruistic infanticides are followed by suicide attempts by the killer.

The government of India must start with setting up more schools and classrooms and providing more teachers at the grass root levels. Along with a solid curriculum there needs to be more encouragement of education for girls. If encouragement means giving families incentives to keep their daughters in school, then the government should seriously consider them says the president of the Kanchan Foundation. With an outstanding number of children in upper primary schools across India many girls either drop out or there is not enough space for them so they are forced to leave. By increasing the number of upper primary schools many more girls in India would have the chance of a formal education.

Overall the two most populous countries in the world, China and India, are facing what has been described as something close to genocide. Between female infanticide and sex selective abortion both countries are running out of potential marriage partners for their male children. With female infanticide and sex selective abortion on the rise the number of kidnapping, and forced marriages of females has also been increasing. Research shows the answer to the problem is increased education for both male and females throughout both countries. Encouraging girls with their education, and teaching boys and men that women should be valued in society are the first steps in stopping such practices.

Although sex selective abortion has been against the law in China since , the practice has been on the rise, particularly with advancing technology. Authority does not watch the practice closely and more recent policy needs to be put in place. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Female Infanticide. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jun 18, Accessed January 7, com , Jun Compare and contrast the ways in which Carol Ann Duffy presents female characters in 'The World's Wife'.

The Worlds Wife is a joyous collection of poems about women which was. Are you a made man? Frankenstein, as a product of. Also comment on what sort of message Peter Whelan is making through these characters. You should discuss. In the story of Homer's Iliad, the roles of women are clearly drawn. The function, from mortal to immortal is to influence male characters. The main female roles also have. Moreover, I find It to be one of his more Interesting plays as It Includes misguided ambition, bravery, paranoia as ell as betrayal and It Is a perfect example of.

Shakeeta Morgan For life to have an on-going process, there must be the process of creating new life. This process is called reproduction. Human beings reproduce in much the same. Citation Silverstein, M. The Female Economy. Harvard Business Review. The battle of the sexes has been going on since the beginning of mankind. Women were once stereotyped as mere housewives, and the men were labeled as breadwinners. Over time,. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Relation Pregnancy Abortion Female Infanticide. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs.

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