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Environmental problems and solutions essay

Environmental problems and solutions essay

Work Cited "Solution to Environmental Problems. Among them are three concepts central to solving environmental problems, which are bioregionalism, sustainable development, and triple bottom line. Case Study Help. Carousel Next, environmental problems and solutions essay. First, the population will no longer be at risk of contracting diseases brought about by pollution hence remaining healthy. A model answer for the Environmental Problems And Solutions Essay. But we can protect our future generation by protecting the environment from now.

Environmental problems and its solutions

we can move at 1 part current situation. There are some pictures about different types of pollution. But normally pollution still causes much. unhappy city, and the second one is happy city. Because I think our environment has life. You look, if we can. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. en Change Language close menu Language English selected español português Deutsch français Русский italiano Română Bahasa Indonesia Learn more. User Settings. close menu Welcome to Scribd! Skip environmental problems and solutions essay. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet Music Documents selected Snapshots. Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All Ebooks. Explore Audiobooks.

Bestsellers Editors' Picks All audiobooks. Explore Magazines. Editors' Picks All magazines. Explore Podcasts All podcasts. Difficulty Beginner Intermediate Advanced. Explore Documents. Academic Papers Business Templates Court Filings All documents. Essay About Environmental Problems and Solutions, environmental problems and solutions essay. Uploaded by Fiona. Document Information click to expand document information Description: With the rapidly development of advanced technology, more and more factories had been built. People are blinded by gain to make more profit. Gradual, they begin to forget how important the environment is and cut down a lot of forests.

So, the most serious problem is becoming. Copyright © © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats DOC, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Share this document Share or Embed Document Sharing Options Share on Facebook, opens a new window Facebook. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Description: With the rapidly development of advanced technology, more and more factories had been built. Copyright: © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats Download as DOC, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. Save Save Essay About Environmental Problems and Solutions For Later.

Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Essay on Pollution for Kids, Children and Students. Jump to Page. Search inside document. With the rapidly development of advanced technology, more and more factories had been built. Pollution Nowadays, environmental problems and solutions essay, there are a lot of controversial dispute about the pollution. Today, our topic is Beijing environmental problems and solutions. I will tell your some my own opinion about those problems and solutions. Turn to environmental problems and solutions essay second page, this is an agenda, environmental problems and solutions essay, which can help you understand todays topic more clearly.

In every stage, I will return this page, if you forget some points, environmental problems and solutions essay can have review. My speech has 4 points. Namely, current situations, reasons, solutions and future. The reason for I will tell those 4 parts to you. I think people need to know about nowadays situations before they want to solve it. This is an old saying when you clearly understand something, you may have the possibility to solve it. Now, we can move at 1 part current situation. There are some pictures about different types of pollution, the first and second one show that the air pollution. The air pollution makes many bad influences on peoples life. Many people suffer from air environmental problems and solutions essay. Some people get the bad respiratory disease.

They must pay amounts of bills for the hospital. Also, the air pollution makes peoples life become exceedingly inconvenient. People need to take air- respirator to avoid the serious air pollution when every time they go outside. The sky becomes gray instead of blue. Every moments people look at the sky, they feel like some of stone push the pressure on their bodies. They cannot take the beautiful pictures with environment as before. The life becomes fussy and boring. And the third one is made by human. They want to much convenient. So, they throw the rubbish everywhere instead of throwing them in the garbage bin. The rubbish appears in every corner in the country. The last one is caused by car exhaust pollution.

In Beijing, more and more people can save much many. So, in this time, every family can buy a car. Many cars have been bought. It causes much exhaust pollution. Then we turn back to the agenda and moves to the next point reasons. There are three main reasons that mostly causes much pollution. Namely, air pollution, water pollution, solid waste pollution. Now, we move to the first one air pollution. Before I show some pictures to your and tell your some influences caused by the air pollution. So, I will tell some details about this pollution. This pollution always caused by soot and sulfur dioxide pollution caused by coal as the main energy source. Nowadays, Beijing as the biggest city that consumetons in every year.

And there are a great number of factories in Beijing. So, it makes o lots environmental problems and solutions essay pollution. Furthermore, Industry and urban construction have caused serious pollution in some areas. And those areas have the low quality of the atmosphere. Additional, the owner of cars increased from to It will make a huge pollution. For the water pollution, the quantity of sewage discharged in Beijing city increases year by year, mainly including domestic sewage and industrial sewage. But normally pollution still causes much serious problem. Such as COD BOD5 and particulate matter.

Also, a large amount of wastewater is directly discharged into the river or used for irrigation, which is the main cause of surface water and groundwater pollution.

essay on assessment

In Beijing, more and more people can save much many. So, in this time, every family can buy a car. Many cars have been bought. It causes much exhaust pollution. Then we turn back to the agenda and moves to the next point reasons. There are three main reasons that mostly causes much pollution. Namely, air pollution, water pollution, solid waste pollution. Now, we move to the first one air pollution. Before I show some pictures to your and tell your some influences caused by the air pollution. So, I will tell some details about this pollution.

This pollution always caused by soot and sulfur dioxide pollution caused by coal as the main energy source. Nowadays, Beijing as the biggest city that consume , tons in every year. And there are a great number of factories in Beijing. So, it makes o lots of pollution. Furthermore, Industry and urban construction have caused serious pollution in some areas. And those areas have the low quality of the atmosphere. Additional, the owner of cars increased from to It will make a huge pollution. For the water pollution, the quantity of sewage discharged in Beijing city increases year by year, mainly including domestic sewage and industrial sewage. But normally pollution still causes much serious problem. Such as COD BOD5 and particulate matter.

Also, a large amount of wastewater is directly discharged into the river or used for irrigation, which is the main cause of surface water and groundwater pollution. Finally, lets move the last part solid waste pollution. I will give you some data. The amount of solid waste increased year by year, reaching about more than tons in It is a huge number, isnt it? We can image how serious those solid waste damages our environment badly. However, people face those increasingly pollution, they are at a loss what to do. Many trash and waste which include highly toxic composition. It may have some possibility of explosion. Now, you may say how to solve those problems? I will move to next part. There are two pictures.

The first one is unhappy city, and the second one is happy city. So, if we pay our attention to her, and protect it from pollution. We will have better life in the future. And finally, our city will achieve the beautiful environment likes the picture 2. And I will show you some of my solutions. Firstly, the government needs to define the responsibility for resource management and establish the hardware and software system of resource property management. Because air, water and atmosphere are public property. Everyone can use it without pay for something.

So, it will cause a phenomenon that nobody is responsible for the pollution. If government create some policy, it must can reduce some pollution. Secondly, restricting the development of enterprises strictly with high energy consumption, waste of resources and serious pollution. Because those enterprises as a main physical strength to damage the environment. Finally, this is my equation. If we want to reduce the pollution more efficiently, it will need to everyones efforts. In this time, we can create a new environment. You look, if we can contribute a little, our environment will become extremely beautiful as before. We can image a little. Wish today can achieve soon. Thats all, thanks you. Related Interests Water Pollution Sewage Pollution Wastewater Waste.

Documents Similar To Essay About Environmental Problems and Solutions. Saksham Khurana. Clover Wong. Kim anpin. For example ,, it can cause an imbalance which erodes the foodweb causing death of some marine life or starving. Overfishing can also alter the size of the remaining fish and the rate at which they reproduce.. Hence ,,a solution here is to educate the public on effects of overfishing. would you please give me a geniuos idea that can all people or companies use to reduce greenhouse gases like a project for example. To begin with, there are many behaves and reasons in the environment which cause inevitable consequences such as pollution. First and foremost, the factories which are producing black smokes are very effective reason, they make no efforts to minimize the pollution.

In addition, the vital and common issue is green houses emissions. Moreover, there are no enough studies in this field. Firstly, the governments are the first responsible party since they have the ability to stop these behaves legally. For instance, the owners of green houses. Consider adding an article. Consider replacing the phrase with a simpler alternative. Consider replacing it. A healthy and pure environment plays a vital role in the health of living beings and trees. In the modern era, we all know that there is a serious problem posing to the earth causing damage to the environment. Environmental damage can also cause problem to our ecosystem. There are several reasons causing damage to the environment.

Firstly, booming of the automobile industry. More use of vehicle creates pollution in the environment and emits carbon monoxide which is perilous to the atmosphere. Secondly, in some parts of rural areas, there are meager amount of toilets in under developed countries. So people tend to use roads creating air pollution. Also, improper waste management and disposal of waste pose serious threats to the environment. Thirdly, deforestation leads to harm environment. Forests and trees are being cut down due to increase in demand of urbanization and industrialization.

Factories in commercial areas emit harmful gases into the environment causing serious health problems to the nearby residents. This has also caused a great loss to nature. Moreover, natural resources are being utilized more without thinking about the future generation. To combat this problem, we as a society should take necessary steps. We should take care of our transportation habits. If, in a family, there are 5 members having their own vehicles, should use vehicles as necessary instead of all travelling in their own vehicles, moreover, we should put more emphasis on public transportation.

In addition, the government should implement strict laws for industries that emit waste and encourage proper waste management. Facilities of toilets should be provided in all the areas. Also, products made from trees should be banned by the government. It is an irrefutable fact that in this contemporary world, environment we live in is in danger due to various aspects, which could be done by public or natural climate aspects. In this scenario, this essay will examine the problems and give appropriate solutions to rubric. There are various aspects which could be giving reasons to environmental damage.

First and foremost, over usage of vehicles by public could be a noteworthy point to be considered. al, Research has indicated that most of the developed countries experience the worst air pollution because of nuclear chemicals, PVC factories, coal-powered plants, chemical plants among other chemical producing industries. Soil pollution could be because of chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals, aviation fuels, lead paints, and zinc, which deplete the soil Negev, et. Most pollutants do not only affect air, light, and soil, but also, worsen the greenhouse effect leading to global warming.

Continued bioaccumulation of particular organic pollutants can cause serious health problems or even death with serious impacts on water sources and the environment. In addition to this, most industries release their chemical wastes in water, polluting it and making it unfit for aquatic life and human consumption. The concept of ecosystem services is one of the concepts concerning the environment that have been poorly perceived and understood by humanity. As a result, ecosystems as well as their services have been noted to be diminishing. By definition, ecosystem services refer to the transformation of a group of natural resources such as water, air, soil, plants, and animals to benefit humanity.

This is caused by the different relationships experienced by species in a given ecosystem. For instance, bacteria, fungi, and other worms convert raw materials such as carbon, nitrogen, and sunlight into organic matter in the soil making it fertile. Other examples of ecosystem services include breakdown and decomposition of waste, pollination, dispersal, primary production, and detoxification among other services. Ecosystem services can be categorized into four categories namely: provisioning, supporting, regulating, and cultural services Carpenter. The ecosystem services have resulted into a great link between the environment and population.

It is understood that the population relies on the environment to survive. As such, a high population leads to strain on the environmental sources because of the increasing demand of resources such as food. The strain is depicted to be the main cause of environmental exploitation leading to problems such as pollution, soils erosion, vanishing fish sticks and melting glaciers just to mention a few. However, it has been noticed that the environmental problems are more rampant in the poor underdeveloped countries where the population is normally high Carpenter. According to an economist Thomas Malthus, the famous proponent of the Malthusian school of thought argued that population was growing exponentially while food production grew arithmetically.

From his study, he proposed that by 21 st century there would be no enough food to feed the population. This far, his prepositions are somehow true since the population is headed to 8 billion people and growing by 80 million people yearly Camp. This could be the epitome of the population considering that much awareness has been instilled on population. Nevertheless, the trend may be heading to 10 billion by considering that most of the women are in the childbearing bracket. There is a probability that population is going to increase even though each woman will be giving birth to lesser number of children. However, increased use of contraceptives gives hope for a diminishing population in the near future Camp.

An increase in population will translate to increased demand for food and all other necessities that come from the environment. This has been evident in the recent global food crisis between and Prices of basic wheat and corn tripled while that of rice scaled fivefold instigating food riots and poverty to 75 million people. Ironically, the shortage was not because of low harvest; actually, there was a record of grain harvest. This is a clear indication that the world is consuming more than it can produce as depicted by the high prices demand is exceeding supply. Agricultural productivity growth is just between one and two percent annually, which is evidently too low compared to the increasing demand and population.

The food shortage situation is worsened by climate change marked by hotter seasons and water scarcity. Scientists have noted that there is a likelihood of perpetual food crisis if harvests go down globally Dawson Globalization has brought with it an increase in the rate of urbanization in flooded cities. Increased global change and urbanization have affected food security and the nutritional status of urban residents. This has in turn affected the accessibility and availability of food, through adjustment of food production, security and distribution schemes, food trade environment, and largely, food culture. Cultures that advocate for subsistence agriculture might pose a challenge to food security as well.

However, due to globalization and the need for mass production is essential to retain organic foods and favorable techniques to the environment. Other cultures especially in developing countries have continued to retain practices that do not contribute to enhancing food security Dawson For instance, with the climate change, pastoralism is not practiced as it was in the ancient times because doing this would downgrade the environment even further. One of the main sources of food is agriculture, and today there is pressure to produce more food to feed the budding population. This has led to extensive use of chemicals and fertilizers to boost production.

The fertilizers contain harmful chemicals that are driven to the environment particularly the aquatic ecosystem. Many of these chemicals released to the environment contain Nitrogen N and Phosphates P leading to eutrophication. This concept has endangered most of the aquatic life especially fish, plants, and other organisms. Other types of pesticides in form of sprays contain high levels of chlorofluorocarbons that are instrumental in depletion of ozone layer UNEP, 6. Large-scale agriculture does not only affect the environment through chemicals, but also, with the use of heavy machineries. In modern agriculture, especially in developed countries, powerful electrochemical combined harvesters, balers, rippers, cultivators, dickers and other forms of intricate tractors are used every day on the soil through the process of compaction UNEP Most of the best soil, for instance, the Midwestern topsoil consists of slack, heterogeneous clumps with a lot of air pockets in-between.

Through this process of compaction, the machines crush wet soil into an undifferentiated, dense, and nigh slab Dawson, The process of compaction also makes the roots not able to penetrate the ground, thus letting the soil loose hence soil erosion. Although the machines have huge tires that aid in spreading out the impact, compaction still is a serious problem. Human beings get shelter from the environment, and with the increased population, ecosystems have been depleted to accommodate population. Additionally, in areas of wildlife there has been competition for resources such as vegetation and water between animals and humanity. In the end, the wildlife is threatened. In underdeveloped countries, people reside near riverbanks or cut down forests for shelter.

The poor urban slum dwellers have degraded the environment further by congestion, overutilization of ecosystem services, and waste dumping. The impact of population living in poverty is far much worse on the ecosystem Dawson, Several policies have been put forward to overcome the biting environmental problems. Among them are three concepts central to solving environmental problems, which are bioregionalism, sustainable development, and triple bottom line. The problem is that they have not been implemented yet, they could be just what the world needs to solve its environmental issues.

Sustainable development looks at how the environment is in a position to meet the future needs of the population as well as the current ones. Uneven distribution of resources and poverty are recognized as the main reasons for environmental degradation. Sustainable development advocates for meeting the needs of everyone and broadening opportunities to everyone to meet the quest for a better life. These aspirations can only be attained if rich countries readapt their consumption patterns Kates et. al As such, human strain on the natural environment should be restrained.

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